Get a Mezuzah

Fill the application form in order to get a Mezuzah


Dear college student and/or teen,

Congratulations on taking one more step to making your dorm room a bit more Jewish! Your new Mezuzah will hang at your rooms entrance, making a proud statement of who you are. It will also keep you more safe and secure! Please don’t take offence if it gets more kissed than you!

We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your special Mitzvah. If you would like to purchase additional Mezuzahs or help with anything Jewish, please let us know!

May your home always be protected.

May you always have good health, happiness, prosperity and be blessed with all good things!

Sincerely, Mezuzah Club

The mitzvah of mezuzah
“And you shall write them on the doorposts of your home and on your gateways”

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