‘Pay it Forward‘ –> Your Mezuzah scroll, case + shipping has already been paid for…Your donations are greatly appreciated!!!

#1. 100% Free Mezuzaot, Your donations are greatly appreciated!
#2. Add in Comments: ‘MEZUZAH CLUB’ so we can get more Mezuzahs out there!
#3. May this Blessing be multiplied, thank you for your support!
#4. Checks are payable to: CHABAD CHAYIL – mail them to: Chabad Chayil 2601 NE 211 Terrace, Miami, FL 33180
The Mezuzah Club (Chabad Chayil) is able to maintain the independence that allows us to provide support College Students & Young Adults with a Mezuzah. On behalf of our organization and volunteers and, more importantly, the people whom we assist, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for your belief in our work and your ongoing support in making it a reality. We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your special Mitzvah.
May your home always be protected. May you always have good health, happiness, prosperity and be blessed with all good things!
Sincerely, Mezuzah Club
The mitzvah of mezuzah
Mezuzah Club, a subsidiary of Chabad Chayil a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your donations are tax-deductible.