About us

This is a mitzvah unlike most, it is not one that you do everyday but it is part of our everyday lives. It is not something that we hide or do in private it is out and open for all to see.

We are all part of creating blessings, this one begins with you, in your home. And knowing that every one of my mezuzah case will hold a holy scroll and help someone do the mitzvah of mezuzah is worth so much.

The Mezuzot and Tefilin are generously sponsored in Loving Memory of:

  • Sarah Cases Cohen – Sarah bat Leah
  • Jacobo Cases – Jacobo ben Moshe
  • Laszlo Katona Cohen – Moshe Yehudah ben Falk Ha’Cohen



Rabbi Moshe Kievman

First Vice President

Mr. Michael P. Cases

Treasurer / Financial Secretary

Brian Zirulnikoff

Board of Directors

Michael Sapoznik

Volunteer Coordinator/Interviewer

Yael Cases Bentolila